The Marketing World Is Changing Too Fast!

The Marketing World Is Changing Too Fast!


You have just hit a gold mine by being here and you don’t even know it.

Keep reading though, and you will find out.

It has been WAY too long since I’ve posted an article here and the world is changing WAY too fast!

You may have noticed (that the world is changing fast.)

I seriously doubt if you noticed that I haven’t posted here in a while.

Because nobody pays attention to what I am doing. Yet! But that is about to change.

Fortunately, or unfortunately. Depending on how you want to look at it.

It’s fortunate for you because I’m about to help you. A lot.

It’s unfortunate for me because I’m one of those “don’t pay attention to me” people.

I cannot stand attention or being the center of attention.

But guess what? I will never earn online if I don’t get over myself. So here goes nothing.


So, Where Have I Been?


Here’s the truth. I have spent the past five years building course after course after course…

That nobody has ever seen, as of this date.

And every time I would think I was finished, I wasn’t.

Why? For lots of reasons.

But mostly because the world kept changing! And that meant I had to keep “revising.”

Was this really an excuse to keep from going public? Possibly.

But on the other hand, I didn’t want to be one of those 90% of marketers out there…

Who was very much outdated.

Because that is my estimate of how many marketers ARE out of date.

The point is… I’m not the only one. And neither are you.

I mean after all, who COULD keep up?

Every day it’s a different story. A U-turn direction. A new world crisis.

And then there’s marketing.


Click Funnels Classic Was Suddenly Click Funnels 2.0


Boy, did that cause me a detour, but I’ll tell you what, it will be worth the wait…

For you.

I spent over a year going through the Funnel Builder program…

And learning all their top 12 converting funnel designs.

And… How to navigate Click Funnels 2.0.

So, I spent months creating courses just to explain that to you.

Because, quite frankly, you need to know.

But even better than that, I created tutorials teaching you step-by-step…

How to build an entire business inside of Click Funnels’ brand new 2.0 version.

(Which really is much better, by the way.)

Yeah, it’s brand new, and they had to work out the bugs, but here is the good news…

They are there, for the most part. And getting better all the time.

And believe me, I know because I use it every single day.

Would you seriously expect anything less from Click Funnels?

Because I wouldn’t.

We are talking about the company that turned down a billion dollars…

So, they could start over and improve their platform.

Seriously? Improve a billion-dollar company? Yes. I’m serious.


And Then There Is That Artificial Intelligence Thing!


I’ve got to be honest. I have a love-hate relationship with that.

ChatGPT can do in 20 seconds what it used to take me a week to do.

Does this make me happy? Well, let me think.

Kind of. Truth be known. Because I’m tired of working so hard.

But is Artificial Intelligence controversial? You bet it is.

I kind of look at it like social media, money, mindset, and lots of other things.

Whether or not it is a good or bad thing really depends on the person using it.

So, if you are a marketer and you want to use it for good, then it can really help you to earn more money.

But even better… It will save you LIGHT YEARS of time.

As marketers, we must look on the bright side and accept these RAPID and DRASTIC changes.

Or be left way behind, in the dust. Kind of like this blog.

Speaking of Artificial Intelligence, it keeps correcting my grammar as I write this post.

Which is good when it does not aggravate me and change the entire meaning of what I was trying to say.


Oh…. The Whoa Of Internet Marketing


But what we must do now is navigate those changes.

We need to learn them and learn how to use them to our advantage.

And play catch-up. For a while.

Are you ready? Because not only am I ready to play catch-up…

But I’m ready to start (gasp) promoting all those products I have been working so hard on.

But it gets even better than that.


I’m Not Going To Sell Them To You. I’m Going To GIVE Them To You.


Crazy, I know. But here’s why…

By the time I finished everything, I was old. Like turning the corner of 60 years old.

And I’m too tired to run an entire Digital Info Product business.

So, I decided that instead of doing that…

It would be better for me AND for you if I just recommend my favorite top programs to you.

(This is called Affiliate Marketing, by the way.)


And If You Take Me Up On Them, You Will Get These Benefits:


  1. You will get better training from more experienced marketers.
  2. You will get the benefit of my mistakes in choosing the RIGHT programs.
  3. You will have TEAMS of people to help you.
  4. You will still have me to help you as well.
  5. You will be well-informed before making any decisions.
  6. You will get TWICE the training for HALF the price.
  7. You will get LOTS of great FREE training from me as bonuses that you can’t find anywhere else.

And it will benefit me because I will still earn a commission.

Which, believe me, is more than I have been earning while creating all those courses.

Which was NOTHING. So, if you can, please help a poor girl out.

If you do, you won’t be sorry.  Because I PROMISE you will get TONS of great free info.

But not just info. Complete marketing courses that will show you all kinds of cool skills.

And ways to earn online without having to get on camera.

Because… that’s my specialty. I have spent YEARS perfecting this.

You know, so nobody would have to look at me.


Would You Like To Learn More?


Are you ready to gain access to several FREE “Beginner to Expert” marketing courses?

Click the button below and get your first FREE course now.

And I will give you 3 more FREE courses, just for checking it out.

I’m not kidding. It is the equivalent of me working at least 5 months for you…

For free. Just by giving me a chance.

Sounds fair? Click below.

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